Monday, May 28, 2012

peace in the city

It's been awhile since I've posted, and I swear, I tried to post several times before.  Always finding something else to do.  It truly is a goal to post regularly, but lately, I've been working on a project.  I am obsessed with painting a mandala on my patio.  It's funny, because I am not much of a painter, and I certainly cannot draw.  That's the story I tell myself.  I was drawn to this project, and I am loving every minute.  I've needed some quiet time recently to make a big decision, and painting has provided the opportunity.  Decision made, and I am still loving the mind clearing process of creation.

I was given a gallon of concrete stain and decided to stain the patio and sidewalk.  It looked cool enough, gave it a warm, brick glow.  But instead of being satisfied with the new look, I saw it as a primed canvas. A vision of a mandala came to me and I couldn't get it out of my mind.

So, I grabbed whatever was round in the backyard, and I traced them with chalk.  The smallest circle being the lid to the fire pit, and the larger, the table.  It was a start.  I drew the flower petal on a large piece of cardboard, cut it out and used as a template.  Next, add some friends, and let the painting begin.

Lucy says hi.

I've been adding to it as often as I can. I roughly have a plan, but I'm also adding whimsical details as inspiration hits.  The next layer was to adorn the yin yang and adding a Rumi quote.  Not being a painter, writing with a brush was difficult.  As you can see, some brushed worked better than others.  I will go back and touch up with a black paint pen.  That will be easier for me to control.  

"Everything in the universe is within you.  Ask for everything from yourself." -Rumi

The final step, thus far, was to draw two circles with chalk and string.  I needed help, so Joe held the string in the center, while I scooted around the circle with the chalk.  It was clumsy, but it worked and I ended up with two pretty darn good circles.  I painted half of the circle a light blue, and added clouds.  The bottom half will be painted with a darker blue, for the night sky.  I think it turned out quite nicely.

I am still figuring out what designs will fill up the space that you see above.  It's part of the fun of this project is not knowing where to go next.  I'm using mostly paints left over from my backyard project, and they are exterior latex.  I do have a few interior colors, and I am using them as well.  I'm also playing with paint markers and using my glittery Stickles for some splashes of fun shimmer.  Those turquoise teardrops you see ended up looking the same color as my blue sky.  So, I took some turquoise craft paint, mixed in some shimmery Pearl Ex powder and came up with a dark irredescent color that shines in the sunlight.

My plan is to cover the entire surface with a clear sealant, and I've been using a can of matte spray on sealer over the smaller details as I go.  I have no idea how this will wear, with foot traffic, chairs and the hot AZ sun...but we will see!  Check back, I will post more photos as my mandala evolves.

i leave you with the silver lining...